Invisible Enemy
Our underwear blocks 99% of the RF energy created by your cell phone and laptop. It's comfortable, non chafing, odor controlling, bacteria controlling, flexible, durable, moisture wicking, supportive and antimicrobial. It’s an unique pair of underwear that will quickly become your favorite.
Peace of mind is a click away.
Protecting You Against Harmful Radiation
We love technology, but it can be harmful. Mobile phones in particular form a threat to our health, increasing risk of cancer, decreasing fertility, and even causing erectile dysfunction. Check out our YOUTUBE channel for some great EMF/RF educational videos.
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Education Matters
Our Referral Program
5G will be 10x stronger than 4G, operating on frequencies that a microwave uses. Educate yourself and others about the potential harmful effects of EMF and we will reward you for it. Rewards include a cash payout and/or money for school supplies and tuition. See our referral program for more details.
RF Safety News and Updates
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) classifieds Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic Fields in Group 2B, the same as Lead and Diethanolamine which can be found in household cleaners.
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Dr Devra Davis, the Founding Director of the Center of Environmental Oncology, warns us not to keep phone in our pockets. Go to minute 7:00 in the video below.
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American Cancer Society reports that RF studies have shown evidence of biological effects that potentially could link to cancer but more research is needed.
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Latest 5G News
At Three Oxygen, we believe in and support technological advancements, especially 5G. We simply want to acknowledge history before and accept this new technology with a full recognition of past mistakes made. We want to learn from these mistakes, and we want to protect those we love most. We welcome new technology with open arms, but we also prioritize the well-being and safety of our loved ones!
5G will decrease criminal activity by enhancing law enforcement technology.
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Telemedicine visits will be more accurate using 5G, reducing hospital lines and lowering costs.
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95% of traffic accidents are caused by human error. 5G is necessary for autonomous driving.
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